The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameRichard MOODY/MODYE GENTLEMAN 78,30,182,545,607,418,2499, 196
BirthApr 28, 1524, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom322,400,607,2499
DeathApr 28, 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom83,607,30,2499 Age: 50
BurialApr 28, 1574, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom80,182,275,545,607,541
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
FatherEdmund MOODY/MODY/MOODYE GENT. , 20671 (ca1495-1562)
MotherEdmund’s Wife MOODY , 20682 (<1514->1524)
Birth1532, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom400,607
Death14 Mar 1576/77, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom607
Burial14 Mar 1576/77, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom80,182,275,541,607
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
MarriageFeb 4, 1548, Moulton, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom400,607,541,418
Family ID149
ChildrenThomas (Stillborn), 437 (1552-1552)
 John (Stillborn), 438 (1553-1553)
 Thomasyn , 439 (1558->1576)
 Grace , 441 (1560-1608)
 George A. , 195 (1560-1607)
 Anne , 442 (1562->1585)
 Robert , 444 (<1563->1572)
 John , 445 (1566->1587)
 Margaret , 446 (<1568-1602)
 Edmund , 448 (<1570->1640)
 Mary , 454 (<1572->1593)
 Judeth , 456 (1574->1602)
2. RICHARD MOODY, GENT., , was born about 1525, settled in Moulton, co. Suffolk, where he owned and occupied an estate called "Fryetts” and other lands, but also possessed property in Gazeley, Cavenham, Dalham, Kentford, and Newmarket, co. Suffolk, and Alconbury, Weston and Ellington, co. Hunts. From the large number of sheep mentioned in his will, he was probably engaged largely as a grazier.
In the Subsidy of 9 and 10 Elizabeth , Richard Modye was rated at Moulton for goods of £ 40, his tax being £ 1-13-4 ; this was a large estate for the times as out of nearly 8000 persons assessed in the County, only about 40 were rated higher than Richard Moody, the largest rate being £ 200. The smallest assessable value was £ 1, taxed 1s. 4d.
Sometime between 1558 and 1573 Richard Moody brought a suit in Chancery of which an abstract is appended:
"This Edward Colte had married Anne, widow of Richard Moody, the brother of Rev. Thomas Moody, and so was step-father of the latter’s nephew and heir George Moody of Moulton.
To Sir Nicholas Bacon Knt., Keeper of the Great Seal of England:
Your orator Richard Modye of Moulton, co. Suffolk, was seized in his demesne as of fee of and in one messuage in Moulton called "Lanwades” and of and in 120 acres of 1 and, 10 acres of pasture with the liberty of one folde course until the said messuage belonging in the town and fields of Moulton. And so it is that divers deeds concerning the premises, a great part whereof were copied out by the hand of Thomas Burgeant, are of late time come to the hands of Sir Clement Highham, Knight, Richard Hyldersham, Gent., and of the said Thomas Burgeant; and "albeit” your orator hath made divers requests for the delivery of the said deeds, Sir Clement and the others named that to do have utterly refused. The number of deeds or wherein they are contained unto your orator is unknown, by reason whereof your orator is remediless to be "holpen” for the recovery of them by the due course of the common law, wherefore a subpoena is asked in this Court.
The answer of Thomas Burgeant, Gent., defendant, to the bill of complaint of Richarde Modye, complainant:
This defendant saith he did copy out certain deeds concerning the premises and did deliver the same deeds unto the plaintiff. He denies any other deed came to his hands, and also denies the other articles in the bill alleged. .
Richard Moody left two wills, and as each gives some information not in the other, abstracts of both of them are appended:
The will of Richarde Mody of Moulton, co. Suffolk, dated 14 Jan. 1572/3. My body to be buried in the church of Mowlton. To Anne my wife my house which I now inhabit called "Fryetts” and all the lands which I late bought of the executors of the will of Roger Fryett, that is to say George Taylor and Thomas Harvye, to the said tenement appertaining; to hold to her for her life in recompense for her dower; also all my winter corn growing upon the said land; also 40 "comes of seade barley” to sow the same land; also 4 bullocks, 4 horses in masons stable, plough and plough gears, cart and cart geare; also 10 "combes” of rye and 6 "combes of mawlt; also half my household stuff. My will is that my said wife give up all her right and title that she may have or ought to have by reason of her downer of all the residue of my lands not yet mentioned, and the release to be made by my said wife in the parish church of Mowlton or in any other place at the discretion of my executors. My meaning is that if Anne refuse to take the said house I inhabit and the lands belonging thereto, or if she shall claim her dower of my lands or shall refuse to release her right, title, etc. to the lands or do any other acts whereby this my will shall not take effect, then I will that all bequests made to her shall be void.
To George my eldest son all my lands and tenements free and copy in Moulton to enter upon the same at the age of twenty-one years; to hold to him and the heirs of his body; remainder to John my son and the heirs of his body, to enter upon at 21 years; remainder to Edmond my youngest son and the heirs of his body to enter upon at 21 years.
To Edmond my son all my houses and lands free and copy in Gasley; to hold to him and the heirs of his body, to enter upon at 21 years; also my lease of ten acres of land in Moulton that I bought of Mr. Bylde; also all my corn now growing in Gasley; also fourtenscore wetheres sheep now going with James Taylor of Gasley, the said corn and sheep to be delivered to him at 21 years of age.
To John my son my lease at Cavenham that I bought of Thomas Rampling with all my sheep there going, to have all the same at 21 years of age.
To Robert my son all my leases and stocks of Cattle in Olingbury , Wessen , Illington or elsewhere in co. Hunts, to be delivered at 21 years of age; also one obligation that I have of William Goodinche and all the money due by the same, and all the money William oweth me besides "and to make up all theise somes fourscore pounds."
To Grace, Margaret and Mary, my daughters, half my household stuff, 9 bullocks, and "sixescore combes” of rye and £ 20 equally betwean them, at their several ages of 18 years. And if any die before 21 years, their portion shall remain with the rest that shall survive. To Thomasyn my eldest daughter 400 sheep now going at Iseleham, at 18 years. To Anne my dau. £ 40 at 18 years. To George my eldest son the residue of my sheep going at Moulton, at 21 years; 6 horses, plough and plough geare, cart and cart geare, and so much rye as is left over the loft at Moulton end.

I will Thomas Smithe, son and heir of Thomas Smith, one of my executors, shall have the education and bringing up of John Mody my son, and all his land, and that Richard Grene of Newmarket shall have as aforesaid Robert my son.
Residuary legatees to be my children; Executors, Thomas Smuthe of Asheley and John Smuthe of Newmarkett. Supervisor: Thomas Sutevile of Dalham, co. Suffolk, esq., and I give him my silver salt and a bay colt. To Robert and Elizabeth Gynner 10 "combe” of rye and 10 "combe” of malt. To every poor house in Moulton a bushel of rye. To every godchild I have 10s. each. To all my servants 10s. apiece.
Witnesses: Richard Grene, John Midlediche, John Kynge, Davy Ayre, John Phillipp, with others.

Sonday, 25 April 1574; in place of the 400 sheep given to his dau. Thomasyn Modye, he gave her £ 100 at her day of marriage. To his unborn child £ 40.
Witnesses: Richard Grene, Christofer Funston, John Trace, John Leche, Richard Johnson, Robert Browne, and others.
Proved the last day of April 1574 by George Harrison, Notary Public, proctor to the executors.
This testament was declared null 10 June 1574.

This will of Richard Modye of Moulton co. Suffolk, dated 2 Feb. 1572/3. My body to be buried in the church of Moulton. To the reparation of the said church 6s. 8d. To every poor householder in Moulton 1 bushel of rye. To the poor of Gaseleye 6s. 8d. To the poor of Dalham 6s. 8d. To the poore of Kentford 6s. 8d. To the poor of Newemarkette 10s.
To Anne my wife my messuage wherein I now dwell which I late bought of George Tailor and Thomas Harveye, executors of the last will of Roger Fryette deceased; to hold the same to her in lieu of her dower of all my lands, during her life; remainder to George Modye my son and his heirs for ever.
To the said George my son my other lands and tenements whatsoever in the town and fields of Moulton and Kenteford, to him and the heirs of his body; remainder to John Modye my third son and the heirs of his body; remainder to Edmond Modye my son and his heirs forever.
To the said Edmond my son all my lands both free and copy in Gaseleye, which I late purchased of Christopher Birde and Beatrice Birde, to him and the heirs of his body; remainder to John Modye my son and his heirs forever. To the said Edmond one lease of 10 acres of land which I hold of the demise and grant of Mrs. Higham, widdowe; also xiii sheep now going in Gaseleye.
To Anne my wife all my household stuff, upon condition she give my son George, at his age of 21 years, £20, half my bullocks, half my horses, halfe my carts and ploughs with their furniture; all the corn growing on my lands late "Frietts” with the tythe of the said lands which are to be sown with barley, and 40 "combes” of barley to sow the same land with; also 20 "combes of malte” and 20 "combes of rye”.
To George my son the other half of my bullocks, horses, etc; also all the residue of my corn of all my other lands growing in Moulton with the tithe and sufficient seen barley to sow the same.
To Edmond my son all my corn now growing on my lands in Gaseleye.
To Anne my wife and George my son, equally, all my sheep in the town and fields of Moulton. To the said George one lease of sheeps ground in Moulton which I hold of the demise of John Trace, gentlemen.
To John my son both my leases in Cavenham which I bought of Richard Rampleye, at 21 years of age; Also all my sheep going there. I will that my "Gossappe” Christofer Founstone shall have the use of the said two leases and the sheep until John attain 21 years, and the said Christofer to bring up John in good learning until he attain 21 years.
To Robert my son £ 80 to be paid unto Richarde Grene, he to bring up my son Robert and to have the use of his money until he attain 21 years of age.
To Thomazine my daughter £ 100 at her marriage.
To John my son all my sheep going at Kennette with John Cheverrye.
To Grace my daughter £ 20 at her marriage.
To Anne my daughter £ 40 at her marriage.
To Margaret and Mary my daughters, £ 20 at their marriages.
If any of my sons die before 21 years, their portion to be divided among those remaining; and if any of my daughters die before their marriages, their portion to be divided among those remaining. I will that Mr. Taylor shall take the issue from John’s lands, and shall bring him up until he attain 21 years.
To Elizabeth Jayner 10 combes of rye and 10 combes of malt; to Richard Lamberte one combe of rye; to Robert Wilsonne my servant my worsted coat, hose and doublet; to Thomas Archer one combe of wheat; to John Modye of Cambridge 2 stone of wool, one black and one white.
To Thomas Smuthe of Assheley the issues of the lands and tenements given to Edmond my son, be bringing up the said Edmond until he attain 21 years.
Residuary legatees to be my four daughters at their days of marriage, viz., Grace, Anne, Margarette and Marye. To my unborn child £ 40.
Executors: Thomas Smith of Assheleye and Roger Thompson of Clare. Supervisor: Mr. Stuttervile of Dalham, to whom I give my silver salt and my bay coult.
Witnesses: Richard Lamberte, Richard Grene, Christofer Funstone.
My wife to have the use of my daughters’ legacies until they marry.
Commission granted 16 June 1574 to Anne Modye relict, and Edward Colte, gent., because Thomas Smuthe and Roger Thompson renounced. Sentence confirming will, 12 June 1574.
Inquisition taken at Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, 22 Jul 16 Eliz. , before John Jermyn, and John Higham, Esq., and Francis Boldero, esq. feodary commissioners, """""" after the death of RICHARD MOODYE, deceased, """""by the oath of John Webbs, John Borage, John Hemyngton, Robert Brunwyn, William Chaplyn, Robert Olyver, Edward Egle, Thomas Dyke, William Harpley, John Symonde, Thomas Page, Christofer Edgar, Thomas Callowe, Edward Harwarde, Robert Callowe, and John Gybbon, who say that Richard Moody was seized in his demesne as of fee of and in 20 acres of arable land lying in Moulton in said county in a certain field called "Millwaye Felde” lately purchased of Burgent, gent., and that Richard Moodye died of such a state thereof only seized, and that George Moody is the son and next heir of Richard Moodye and that the said 20 acres of land by and after the death of Richard by right of inheritance shall descend to George Moodye. And that the 20 acres of land are held and at the time of the death of Richard were held of the Queen as of her Honour of Clare by knight’s service, and that the 20 acres are worth clearly by the year in all issues beyond reprices 10s. And they further say that Richard Moodye dies 28 April last past , and that George Moodye his son at the time of the death of Richard was aged 14 years and 7 months. . 2
Richard Moody was buried in Moulton Church 28 April 1574.
He married at St. Mary’s, Bury St. Edmunds, 4 Feb. 1548 Anne or Agnes Panell, born about 1530. She survived him and married secondly, at Moulton, 6 Sept. 1574, Edward Coult, Gent.
Children, i and ii. recorded at St. Mary’s, Bury St. Edmunds, and iii. - xii. at Moulton, co. Suffolk.
i. Thomas, born and buried 6 Aug. 1552.
ii. John, born and buried 15 Feb. 1553/4.
iii. Thomazine, born about 1556; married 23 Jan. 1572/3, Henry Smith.
iv. Grace, born about 1558.
v. George, bapt. 28 Sept. 1560. .
vi. Anne, born in 1562, married 18 Oct. 1585, Albert Raymont.
vii. Robert, bapt. 20 Mar. 1563/4; was left by his father lands in Alconbury, Weston and Ellington, co. Hunts; later history untraced.
viii. John, born in 1566; was left by his father leases of lands in Cavenham, co. Suffolk; later history untraced.
ix. Margaret, bapt. 19 Nov. 1568; married 9 May 1589, Christopher Haggett.
x. Edmund, bapt. 24 June 1570; settled on the lands left him by his father in Gazeley, co. Suffolk, where he was living as late as 1640, being on the Shipmoney tax there for that year, assesses 6s. . He married at Wood Ditton, co. Cambridge, 26 May 1595, Agnes Clerke. Children recorded at Gazeley, co. Suffolk;
1. Edmund, bapt. 25 Apr. 1596
2. Mercy, bapt. 28 Dec. 1597
3. Anne, bapt. 23 Sept. 1599
4. Richard, bapt. 15 Apr. 1602
xi. Mary3, bapt. at Moulton, 22 Sept. 1572; married 2 Oct. 1593 Rev.____
xii. Judith , bapt. 23 July 1574; married 5 Apr. 1602, Edmund Fowler.
This is a copy of the data collected by Wm. R. Moody, E. Northfield, Mass and Donald Lines Jacobus after quite an extensive search in England and in New England.
March 1925 L. W. Moody

2. RICHARD MOODY of Moulton co. Suffolk died 28 April 1574, buried the same day at Moulton, Inquisition Post Mortem 1574; will dated 14 January 1572/3, proved 1574 P.C.C. but declared null 10 June 1574; mentioned as deceased in adm__ of ___ James 1576

Richard Moody was dealing with a tenement in Moulton in the autumn of 1558, and purchased lands there in 1562 and lands in Moulton and Gazeley, a parish two miles east from Moulton, in 1572 Easter Term, 4 Elizabeth [15 April - 8 May 1562]. Richard Modye v. John Shorte, tenements in Moulton [co. Suffolk]. Easter Term, 14 Elizabeth [15 April-8 May 1572]. Richard Moodye and others v. Beatrice Byrde, [lands] in Moulton, Gazeley [co. Suffolk], etc. In or after 1558 he brought a suit in Chancery against Thomas Burgeant to recover the title deeds relating to a leasehold house and lands in Moulton, called Lanwades. He evidently acquired a considerable landed estate in western Suffolk, chiefly by purchase. He lived in a house called Fryettes, in Moulton, which he had bought from the executors of a certain Roger Fryett. 275Besides his lands in Moulton and Gazeley he had leasehold and other land in Cavenham and Kentford, co. Suffolk, a flock of four hundred sheep at Isleham, co. Cambridge, and land at Okingbury, Wessen, and Illington, co. Huntingdon. The only lands held by him in chief of the Crown seem to have been twenty acres in Milwayefelde, in Moulton, which were apparently the lands mentioned in the Chancery suit, for they were acquired from _________ Burgeant, Gentleman. Richard Moody made two wills, one on 14 Jan. and the other on 2 Feb. 1572/3. In his anxiety to provide for the virtuous upbringing of his children in the fear of God and good learning and education, he distributed the care of his younger sons, with their lands, among various friends. Under both wills the house called Fryettes was to go to Anne, his wife, but under the second will she was to have it for life only, with remainder to the eldest son, George. This son was also to have other lands in Moulton, and certain stock, farm produce, etc. On Sunday, 25 Apr. 1574, only three days before his death, Richard Moody added -- to the earlier will, strangely enough -- a codicil; and on 30 Apr. 1574, two days after the death of the testator, the executors named in the first will, by their procurator, proved it, together with the codicil. In June 1574, however, Anne Moody, the widow, brought forward the second will, in which Thomas Smythe of Ashley and Roger Thompson of Clare were appointed executors, and the Court gave judgment, 10 June, in favor of this will. The executors, refusing to act, administration on the estate was granted to the widow, 16 June 1574 Will C.P.C. 16 Martyn, dated 14 Jan 1572. Proved 30 April 1574. Ob. 28 April 16 Eliz. Escheat 16 Eliz. .

“Richard He lived and died in Bury St. Edmunds. He had inherited the estate of Fryetts, Suffolk County, from his father, Edmund. He married Anne Panell in Feb. 1548 and they had 12 children. Richard was a wealthy man with holdings in several towns in England. He had large flocks of sheep and by trade was a grazier. In the county of Suffolk, which at that time had about 8000 residents, he was in the top 41 of those who paid the highest taxes. When his first will was made out it contained a description of some land which was in disagreement with the court and it was considered invalid on 6/10/1574. from a Thomas Burgeant and the deed did not come with it. Richard sued the man for a proper deed but it was not forthcoming. So when his will came up for probation it was declared invalid.) A second will was made out with different wording and was accepted by the court two days later on 6/12/1574.” 418
Notes for Anne/Agnes (Spouse 1)
"To Anne my wife my messuage wherein I now dwell which I late bought of George Tailor and Thomas Harveye, executors of the last will of Roger Fryette deceased; to hold the same to her in lieu of her dower of all my lands, during her life; remainder to George Modye my son and his heirs for ever. To Anne my wife all my household stuff, upon condition she give my son George, at his age of 21 years, £20, half my bullocks, half my horses, halfe my carts and ploughs with their furniture; all the corn growing on my lands late "Frietts” with the tythe of the said lands which are to be sown with barley, and 40 "combes” of barley to sow the same land with; also 20 "combes of malte” and 20 "combes of rye”. " From the will of her husband dated 2 Feb 1572/3 82 "My wife to have the use of my daughters' legacies until they marry." 82
They had 12 children.418
Notes for Anne/Agnes (Spouse 1)
=ANNE, mentioned in her husbands will 1572; married secondly at Moulton also 6 Sept. 1574 EDWARD COULT/COULTE of Moulton also, administered the estate of Thomas Moody, 1576 during the minority of George son of Richard Moody.30
Last Modified Feb 3, 2015Created Feb 24, 2025 by John D Moody
Created February 23, 2025

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