The Geneaology of Moody - LaPointe - Schnell - Beyers - Person Sheet
NameHenry J CROLL
487, 3584
FlagsRelative, Sources in Family Search
FlagsBlood Relatives of JDM, Relative
Notes for Beulah F. (Spouse 1)
In 1905 she is 4 years old and lives with her parents and 3 month old brother Charles in Bayfield, Wisconsin.
529In 1910 she was an 8 year old stepdaughter living with the Howard West family in Bayfield, Wisconsin.
501She was single and had a 19 year old boy friend on 1 Nov 1918, and lived with her family at the Bangor Location, Biwabik, Minnesota. In 1920 she was 18, single, and lived with her family in Virginia, Minnesota.
496In 1930 she was 28, had been married for 6 years and lived with her parents and siblings and her two children in Virginia, Minnesota. Her husband was not living with them.